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Self Activation Warm Up


headshotDr. Tom Nelson is a sports activation specialist who has introduced Be Activated to Nazareth Academy, where he has served as team physician from 2003 to 2016.

Dr. Nelson implemented the Be Activated philosophy over four years with the football team (120+ players and 23 coaches) at Nazareth Academy in LaGrange Park, Illinois.

Listen to the coaches and players talk about how activation changed their team.

I was a former collegiate and professional hockey player. During my career I suffered 3 concussions in 9 months. Despite resting and allowing ample time for normal recovery, I continued to have tightness in my neck, headaches, and eyesight issues. Shortness of breath was a common occurrence. My family and friends even noticed a difference in my behavior and a decrease in my level of sharpness. When I met with Doctor Nelson I experienced immediate results. He fixed a disconnect between my brain and muscles so that I could perform tasks that required using multiple signals.  Through his activation therapy, the tension in my neck and upper shoulder regions is gone and I no longer have headaches. My vision is more acute and my ability to focus is back to normal. I have become more positive, energetic, and upbeat.
Billy Maday