Maryclaire McKenna

Maryclaire McKenna

Going in for an activation with Dr. Nelson the day before the ACT was one of the best decisions I could have made. The increase in my breathing and visual awareness helped me to stay focused and relaxed during the four hour long testing period. I went up 4 points from my previous scores. I can’t thank Dr. Nelson enough for his help in building my future.

Maryclaire McKenna
After investigating the SAT process, I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Tom. Looking back, I was skeptical for sure, but was willing to try anything for the sake of improvement. I distinctly remember the muscle-testing results before activation, and then seeing them after. Immediately after activation, I felt loose. There was no tightness, and I felt peaceful after “belly breathing.” The next day we had an invitational race, and I felt the best and was the most focused during that race. I ended up finishing 5th, right behind some of the nation’s best runners, 7 seconds off my personal best. I became a believer as the results were seen immediately for me!
Dan Santino