How Nazareth football cut injuries in half

The Be Activated technique is simple to incorporate in a team sports environment – and just as simple to evaluate for results.


Dr. Nelson implemented his self activation program over four years with the football team (120+ players and 23 coaches) at Nazareth Academy in LaGrange Park, Illinois. He deliberately kept it simple, focusing on Zone 1 activation to improve neuromuscular sequencing.

The goal was to see if activation could reduce injuries. For the purpose of this data, “injury” was defined as any adverse physical condition preventing a team member from participation in a practice or a game.

How activation works

I was a former collegiate and professional hockey player. During my career I suffered 3 concussions in 9 months. Despite resting and allowing ample time for normal recovery, I continued to have tightness in my neck, headaches, and eyesight issues. Shortness of breath was a common occurrence. My family and friends even noticed a difference in my behavior and a decrease in my level of sharpness. When I met with Doctor Nelson I experienced immediate results. He fixed a disconnect between my brain and muscles so that I could perform tasks that required using multiple signals.  Through his activation therapy, the tension in my neck and upper shoulder regions is gone and I no longer have headaches. My vision is more acute and my ability to focus is back to normal. I have become more positive, energetic, and upbeat.
Billy Maday