
3 Reasons Why Activation is a Game-Changer

Now that high school football is in high gear many parents and coaches are concerned with keeping their athletes injury free. This article from last year offers a comprehensive look at how Dr. Tom Nelson supported the Nazareth team and 3 reasons why activation is a game-changer. Read The...

How to breathe using your diaphragm

Breathing is the most important thing your body does – and you’re probably doing it wrong.

Think about the last time you got the wind knocked out of you, caught a bad cold, or even pushed through a conditioning double sessions in the August summer heat. Breathing is generally taken for granted because it is unconscious and automatic – but in those moments, you remembered how important it is!

Activation Training Opportunity, July 18-19

This upcoming training equips athletic trainers, coaches and personal trainers with the necessary information and techniques to teach their students and clients how to implement activation into their everyday lives. Improve performance,prevent injuries, and restore resilience with this quick and immediately measurable method. Register below for this two-day training seminar with the creator of the “Be Activated” system, Douglas Heel. Dr. Tom along with Dr. Eric Janota, and Chris Korfist will be assisting Douglas Heel at this training event. Register here...
After investigating the SAT process, I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Tom. Looking back, I was skeptical for sure, but was willing to try anything for the sake of improvement. I distinctly remember the muscle-testing results before activation, and then seeing them after. Immediately after activation, I felt loose. There was no tightness, and I felt peaceful after “belly breathing.” The next day we had an invitational race, and I felt the best and was the most focused during that race. I ended up finishing 5th, right behind some of the nation’s best runners, 7 seconds off my personal best. I became a believer as the results were seen immediately for me!
Dan Santino